Features of public administration in the field of esports
sports, sports law, administrative law, public administration, computer sports, eSportsAbstract
Esports is currently developing dynamically, and approaches to legal regulation in this area are also developing, taking into account both the specifics of the sport itself in general and the characteristics of eSports. Due to the fact that eSports is a relatively young area, there are currently no universal approaches to legal regulation and public administration in this sphere at national level. In addition, the peculiarities of legal regulation and public administration in the field of e-sports have not been fully researched in the scientific literature. In this regard, the author examines some of the specific features of eSports as a subject-object area of public administration, taking into account the positions presented in the scientific literature, presents the existing approaches to the implementation of public administration in this area on the example of France, the USA, and the Republic of Korea. As a result, the most applicable models of public administration in the field of eSports have been identified. It was concluded that it would be most appropriate not to include new specialized provisions concerning only eSports in the sports legislation, but to improve the general legal regulation in this area, including the protection of intellectual rights.
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