Regulation of external labor migration in the USSR during the new economic policy and in the Russian Federation at the present stage of market relations formation: historical and legal parallels


  • Vladimir I. Yevtushenko Department for archives of the Belgorod region, State archive of the Belgorod region
  • Aleksej A. Bondarenko Department for archives of the Belgorod region, State archive of the Belgorod region



national labor market, migration policy, labor migration, labor migrant, foreign labor force, foreign specialist, emigration, immigration, re-emigration, voluntary relocation of compatriots


The review of the development of the state's legal system and the issue of legal succession in similar areas of legal regulation allow us to reveal General patterns in the history of the formation of the oretical or philosophical nature. At the same time, it is the analysis of succession in specific areas of legal regulation that allows us to identify the General principles of this process. In this regard, the authors conducted a comparative analysis of the state-legal regulation of labor migration during the NEP and at the present stage of the construction of market relations in the Russian Federation, on the basis of which a number of conclusions were made. First, the state systems of regulating labor immigration in the RSFSR (USSR) in the early 1920s and in the Russian Federation in the 90s of the twentieth century were formed under the influence of external and internal factors. Secondly, the state regulation of labor migration in both periods combined the principles of centralization, unity of command and interdepartmental collegiality. Third, both the Soviet state in the 20s of the last century, and the Russian Federation from the 90s of the twentieth century to the present time, are making great efforts to attract their former compatriots to the country. These measures had not only economic, but also great political significance for both States. The research made it possible to identify General patterns of formation of a legal mechanism for regulating labor migration on the territory of the Russian state at different historical stages of its development, but in similar socio-economic conditions. The results of this research in the context of conducting a comprehensive study of historical and legal succession are of interest for a more complete study of the history of state construction and law in Russia.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir I. Yevtushenko, Department for archives of the Belgorod region, State archive of the Belgorod region

candidate of law, Deputy head of the Department of the state archive of the Belgorod region,

Belgorod, Russia

Aleksej A. Bondarenko, Department for archives of the Belgorod region, State archive of the Belgorod region

Director of the state archive of the Belgorod region,

Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Yevtushenko, V. I., & Bondarenko, A. A. (2020). Regulation of external labor migration in the USSR during the new economic policy and in the Russian Federation at the present stage of market relations formation: historical and legal parallels. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(3), 504-515.



Public law (state-legal) sciences