Fundamentals of the theory of city security from the point of view of legal urbanology

the study was carried out within the framework of the RFBR grant No. 19-011- 00720 "Development of scientific foundations of legal urbanology as a new complex direction in the legal science of cities".




law, emergency situation, threats, risks, negative consequences, methods of analysis, bodies and forces of support


The Russian Federation is a highly urbanized country. Representatives of history, sociology, economics, and other sciences have been conducting research on various aspects of urban life for a long time. Legal theoretical science significantly lags in this issue the legal formation of the human security system in the city remains poorly studied. In this regard, from the standpoint of  legal urbanology, the authors reviewed the scientific works of representatives of various sciences about the city, identified objects and research methods that are systemic, structural-functional, and special in nature. The author's concept of the city and its safety is presented, classifications of threats to its residents are presented, a methodology for their assessment based on the concept of acceptable risk is proposed, legislation on ensuring safety in the city and a special safety passport of the city are presented. Highlighted the negative consequences and the nature of their impact on the state of the city's life. The results of the study can have practical application in solving city safety problems as part of the national task of ensuring human safety and well-being.


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Author Biographies

Leonid L. Grischenko, Academy of management of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia

doctor of law, Professor, Professor of Department of management bodies of internal Affairs in the special conditions the Academy of management of MVD of Russia,
Moscow, Russia

Vladimir V. Tabolin , State university of management

doctor of law, Professor, Professor of the Department of public law and legal support of management, State University of management,

Moscow, Russia

Yulia L. Korbelnikova, Academy of management of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia

candidate of law, associate Professor, Deputy head of the Department of state and legal disciplines of the Academy of management of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia,

Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Grischenko, L. L., Tabolin , V. V., & Korbelnikova, Y. L. (2020). Fundamentals of the theory of city security from the point of view of legal urbanology: the study was carried out within the framework of the RFBR grant No. 19-011- 00720 "Development of scientific foundations of legal urbanology as a new complex direction in the legal science of cities". NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(3), 495-503.



Public law (state-legal) sciences

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