Human eventfulness in the city space: between modernization and existential memory
Nostalgia, city, innovation, space, time, urbanization, subjectivity, Dasein, ruinsAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of human identification in urban space. The author uses M. Heidegger's phenomenological methodology. This methodology allows to reveal the duality of the situation in which a person is found as a member of the urban community. The modernization of the conditions of human existence in city leads to delamination of the person. The security requirements of urban communities as a condition of modernization transforms a person into a subject of action and an object of consumption. According to the author, overcoming such a situation is possible in the event of an expansion of the scope of understanding of the person. In the phenomenological sense, man is not the subject of his act or thought, but «Dasein», «existence», «presence». This understanding of the person takes into account many factors: the internal existential openness and mood of the person, the external intention focused on the spatial presence of the person. Both sides of this understanding are expressed according to the author in the eventfulness of man. Eventfulness of human presence in the city is understood by the author of the article in many ways: eventfulness with Another (co-existence of a person in a community), eventfulness as a mental act of subjectivation based on the acceptance of the fact of selftemporality, as well as eventfulness as a spatial occupancy of the city objects of individual existential memory. In the latter case, the author after G. Simmel refers to such objects as ruins.
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