Panel study of the social portrait of the young leader of the regional trade union movement


  • Yuri V. Smarion Association of sociologists "Institute of social technologies"
  • Marina A. Nasonova Federation of trade unions of Lipetsk region



tripartism, social portrait of a young trade Union leader, formation of the personnel reserve of trade unions, panel study


The modern youth activism of regional trade unions acquires the features of a new social phenomenon that deserves to create a social portrait of it, which will become an empirical basis for developing an effective system for selecting potential leaders, their subsequent training and retraining. Due to the lack of scientific and socio-technological developments devoted to the formation of modern young leaders of the regional trade Union movement, the authors evaluated the changes in the typic characteristics of the social portrait of young leaders of the regional trade Union movement working in the difficult conditions of the Russian tripartism model. The features of changing the characteristics of the social portrait of a young leader during the transition from the chronotope of information orientation to the chronotope of real conditions of daily activity are determined. The results obtained allow us to solve the issues of selection and placement of trade Union personnel on a scientific basis, and rationally determine the structure and content of the course training of trade Union assets.

Author Biographies

Yuri V. Smarion, Association of sociologists "Institute of social technologies"

Doctor of sociology, Professor, Director Association of sociologists " Institute of social technologies", Lipetsk, Russia

Marina A. Nasonova, Federation of trade unions of Lipetsk region

Adviser on information policy of the Federation of trade unions of the Lipetsk region,

Lipetsk, Russia


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Abstract views: 610




How to Cite

Smarion, Y. V., & Nasonova, M. A. (2020). Panel study of the social portrait of the young leader of the regional trade union movement. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(3), 447-459.



Sociology and social technologies