Truth and history in Hegel’s «phenomenology of spirit»



  • Pavel V. Pavlov Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University



Hegel, truth, history, spirit, consciousness, absolute knowledge, notion


The article is devoted to the problem of truth and history in Hegel’s «Phenomenology of Spirit». The dramatic path of the history of the spirit is traced (from the «beautiful moral life» of antiquity to the alienated world of bourgeois society, approved by the French Revolution) and its return to «itself», its truth. The sphere of truth is «absolute knowledge», in which the understanding of historical forms is carried out, their true meaning is revealed. At the same time, the author of the article emphasizes the methodological significance of mediating truth and history. Thanks to this mediation, truth and absolute do not reduce to historical forms and at the same time preserve their  ichness and diversity, the dramatic nature of their formation. In the context of Hegel’s understanding of truth as an «open reality», the article focuses on the problem of the attitude between the methods of «Phenomenology of Spirit» and phenomenology as a direction of modern thought.


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Author Biography

Pavel V. Pavlov, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University

Full Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University, Professor of Personnel Management Department, Novocherkassk, Russia


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Abstract views: 806




How to Cite

Pavlov, P. V. (2020). Truth and history in Hegel’s «phenomenology of spirit»: ON THE 250TH ANNIVERSARY OF HEGEL’S BIRTH. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(3), 420-426.



History of philosophy, social sciences and humanities