The Cultural and Historical Context of the Alienation Phenomenon: from Philosophical Interpretations to Empirical Studies


  • Anastasia O. Tsibulina Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics



alienation, social alienation, social sphere, education


To date, a significant body of knowledge has been accumulated about such a social process as alienation, but modern challenges aimed at investing in human capital, as well as contradictory approaches to the educational and work process, lead to an increase in negative forms of human alienation and the search for ways to identify and correct related problems. The aim of the work is to comprehend the two facets of alienation: as a philosophical direction and a potentially useful tool for research in the social and educational fields. The first part of the article includes a brief historical discourse on the philosophical development of the phenomenon of alienation, which analyzes different interpretations in the space of world philosophy. The second part describes the transition from abstract categories to the development of methods for measuring alienation in various spheres of life, such as work, study, society, interpersonal relationships, family, self. The use of well-developed methods of studying alienation as a practical component will make it possible to timely recognize and prevent the negative impact of alienation on people of different categories.


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Author Biography

Anastasia O. Tsibulina, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of History and Social Work



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How to Cite

Tsibulina, A. O. (2024). The Cultural and Historical Context of the Alienation Phenomenon: from Philosophical Interpretations to Empirical Studies. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(4), 807-815.


