Information Activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in Secular Media (Based on Church Documents)
Russian Orthodox Church, information activity, mass media, interaction, information policyAbstract
The mass media play an ever-increasing role in shaping public consciousness in relation to current events. Information flows are able not only to dictate the news agenda, but also to shape the audience's ‘necessary’ perception of certain events. The Russian Orthodox Church as an independent religious institution also possesses its own information resources aimed at solving the set tasks. Despite the significant information cluster, the Russian Orthodox Church keeps active interaction with secular media. Analysing church documents and scientific materials on the subject, it was determined that this cooperation consists not only in the promotion of Orthodox values among the audience, but also in radical changes in the information space itself. These changes are designed to reorient society away from the liberal mass-cult agenda and towards traditional ideals and values, without which it is impossible to achieve unity in society. The study also determined the significance of the Russian Orthodox Church interaction with secular media and formulated the principles on which this interaction is based.
Список источников
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Основы социальной концепции Русской Православной Церкви. URL: (дата обращения: 23.08.2024).
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Список литературы
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