Formation of National Identity in the Educational Environment
identity, national identity, traditional values, socio-cultural environment, educational systemAbstract
The article is devoted to the actualization of the problems of the formation of national identity in the modern conditions of the development of Russian society in order to overcome negative socio-cultural transformations and the role of the education system in this process. The paper presents the interpretation and structure of national identity as a form of representation of national identity. The civilizational basis or core, being the most important guideline that forms the worldview, value system and national identity of the country's younger generation, is historical and collective memory, as well as traditional values. In the implementation of one of the priority tasks of the state to protect traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, culture and historical memory in order to strengthen the unity of peoples and preserve the identity of the Russian Federation, the fundamental function is performed by the education system as a socio-cultural institution focused on national interests.
Список источников
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