Land Issue in the Soviet Constitutions
Soviet Constitutions, land policy of the Soviet state, land socialization, land nationalizationAbstract
An important task of the land law science is to identify the patterns of the emergence, functioning and development of the various legal phenomena covered by it. In this regard the analysis of the constitutional provisions on land, which concisely reflect the essence of the State’s land policy at a certain stage of its existence, is of particular importance. In studies on land law the analysis of Soviet constitutions is carried out to study both the dynamics and trends in the development of land legislation in general, and the evolution of the legal regulation of particular spheres of land relations. However, such studies do not always give due consideration to the specific historical context in which the relevant legislation is developed. The aim of this work is to identify the factors that determined the formation and subsequent development of the Soviet Constitutions' land kaw norms, in the context of the general logic of state-building of the relevant historical period. The study is based on a historical and legal method that allowed to reveal the political and legal meaning of the provisions on land in each of the Soviet constitutions. The study concluded that the land law norms enshrined in the Soviet Constitutions were derived from the political situation and correlated with the phases of state and socialist construction.
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