The Concept of "Innovation" and "Creativity" in Philosophical Discourse


  • Nikita O. Anisimov Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture



innovation, creativity, philosophy, new, concept


The notions of "innovation" and "creativity", apart from the epistemological plane, in philosophy have a dimension in the context of the development of the history of philosophy as a special form of thought activity. Innovation and creativity are closely related to the notions of progress and change. It is this connection that make the need for constant reflection on these concepts particularly urgent. The author shows that the study of the concepts of "innovation" and "creativity" has a number of omissions. Thus, for example, the "special" attitude of philosophy to the "new" is either completely omitted when considering these concepts or is not sufficiently substantiated. And, on the contrary, in the history of philosophy itself as an interrelation of concepts and doctrines the special attitude of philosophy to the new is realised, which is reflected in the works and biographies of many significant philosophers. It is concluded that it is impossible to understand the specificity of the creative act of philosophical knowledge without conceptualising the notions of "innovation" and "creativity" due to their fundamental role in philosophical discourse.

Author Biography

Nikita O. Anisimov, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture

postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy, Culturology, Science of Science, Belgorod Institute of Arts and Culture,
Belgorod, Russia.


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Abstract views: 55




How to Cite

Anisimov, N. O. (2024). The Concept of "Innovation" and "Creativity" in Philosophical Discourse. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(1), 151-158.



Cultural studies and philosophy of art