The Role of Information Policy in the State Management and National Security Formation
information, information technology, public administration, national identityAbstract
Information policy in government plays a significant role, which should be investigated and taken into account in the formation and development of the national policy of the country. Thus, the modern state faces the responsible task of organizing a viable public-state dialogue, ensuring its own stability and maintaining control over civil society by regulating such an important element of public administration as information policy. The purpose of the study was to determine the role and importance of information policy in the field of public administration and national security. The work is based on a systematic approach to the study of information policy, which allows us to consider it as an important part of public administration in the context of ensuring national security. The broad opportunities provided by information development to modern society at the same time carry high risks, which can be overcome by combining innovations and traditions, as well as increasing manageability in order to control information flows and information development of society and the state as a whole. There are currently no comprehensive studies on the topic under consideration. At the same time, theoretical and methodological developments in each of the areas included in this topic (state policy, information policy and national security) can become the basis for further study of them in conjunction with orientation to conjunctural changes in various areas of life. The article presents for the first time a comprehensive study of the role of information policy both in state governance and in the formation of national security, which is an essential condition for maintaining the stability of state power and the state itself as a whole. The author concludes that at the present stage of society's development, information policy is an integral part of state policy and should be one of the most important areas of state control. In order to maintain its stability, the state is obliged not only to form an information policy, but also to engage in its constant development, taking into account both technological innovations and national principles, customs and traditions in order to preserve national identity and a correct worldview from the position of the state among representatives of this civil society.
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