National Security Law as a Complex Branch of Russian Legislation: Problems of Formation and Content
security, national security, national security law, branch of legislation, complex branch of legislationAbstract
In modern conditions, when the need for legal provision of the state of protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation from internal and external threats, as well as decent quality and standard of living, civil peace and harmony in the country, protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity, socio-economic development of the country come to the fore, a clear, systematic and comprehensive legal regulation in the field of national security. The purpose of this article is to consider the law of national security as a complex branch of Russian legislation, in connection with which the author examines the regularities of the formation of branches of legislation in the domestic legal system, the ratio of branches of law and branches of legislation; the foundations of the construction of complex branches of legislation; the problems of the formation and content of national security law. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that there are objective prerequisites for the formation of the right of national security into a full-fledged complex branch of Russian legislation, based on the ideas of a centralized subject of legal regulation with great social and state significance; the necessary amount of regulatory material – legal acts, on the basis of which the regulatory impact is provided and a specialized method of legal regulation. The trends and prospects of the development of national security law as a branch of domestic legislation are presented.
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