The role of the person in the interaction of the state and society. Historical and philosophical aspect


  • R.I. Bogatyrev Belgorod State University



politics, man, person, state, power, dialogue, interaction


Studying the interaction of the state and society in modern scientific practice is one of the most priority tasks. The study of historical aspects of the influence of the individual on the interaction of government and civil society will help to form methods for effectively attracting outstanding people to improve the interaction of society and the state. The lack of scientific papers on this topic allowed us to form the main goal of the study: to study the prerequisites for the formation of civil society through the prism of the influence of prominent individuals on the interaction of society and the state. In this regard, the author analyzes the interaction of government and society in a democratic state, and assesses the influence of the individual on the processes of interaction and building a dialogue between the subjects of interaction. A comprehensive analysis of the activities of certain individuals and an assessment of their actions within the framework of historical and philosophical analysis is performed. The practical application of the collected information can have a positive impact on building an effective model of interaction between society and the state through the use of the dialogue model.


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Abstract views: 1446




How to Cite

Bogatyrev, R. (2020). The role of the person in the interaction of the state and society. Historical and philosophical aspect. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(2), 352-358.


