Evolution of the Legal Regulation of Territories with the Peculiarities of the Organization of Local Self-government
law, draft law, military town, science city, federal territory, border territoryAbstract
Territories with a special status are of scientific and practical interest due to their specifics related to the establishment and organization of public authority on them. The doctrine of legal science has not yet developed a universal approach to the substantive interpretation of the declared territories. With regard to the regulation of territories with the peculiarities of the organization of local self-government, modern Russian legislation is in a transitional stage of renewal according to the constitutional principle of the unity of the system of public power. Taking into account theoretical and applied arguments, the authors in this paper turned to the disclosure of the domestic experience of legislative regulation of territories with the peculiarities of the organization of local self-government. In this regard, the analysis of special regulatory legal acts adopted since 1991 was carried out. Special attention was paid to the draft federal law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Unified System of Public Authority" (2022) in terms of the approach to the legalization of territories with the peculiarities of the organization of local self-government. As a result, the author's periodization of the development of the Russian legislative regulation of the status of territories with the peculiarities of the organization of local self-government is proposed.
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