Development of Administrative and Legal Methods for Regulating Sanitary and Epidemiological Relations: Legal Diagnostics (Regional Aspect)


  • Yulia S. Goloborodko Rostov State University of Economics



administrative law, state regulation, legal diagnostics, legislation, practical application, optimization, mechanism of administrative and legal regulation


In modern conditions, there are not enough existing methods and tools for effective legal support for the development of administrative and legal methods of regulation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological relations. Despite the variety of scientific publications on the subject, the issue of effective legislative support of the main directions in the state regulation of the sanitary and epidemiological relations remains open. The purpose of the study is legal diagnostics and assessment of the state and development of administrative and legal methods in the activities of authorities in the system of legal regulation of sanitary and epidemiological relations. The assessment of legislative novelties,  review of judicial practice on the regulation of the sanitary and epidemiological sphere for the period 2022-2023 on the example of the Rostov region was made. As a result of legal diagnostics, the need to develop new ways of solving problems in state regulation and the impact of executive authorities on the sphere of these relations from the perspective of current legislation is revealed. As a result of the research, a new theoretical and methodological representation of the development of administrative and legal regulation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological relations has been formed. The author has developed the basic structure of the theoretical and legal construct "Conditional legal model" as a new tool for solving problems in state regulation by executive authorities for sustainable ensuring the complexity, consistency and quality of administrative and legal regulation of the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological relations.

Author Biography

Yulia S. Goloborodko, Rostov State University of Economics

Post-graduate student of the Department of Financial and Administrative Law, Rostov State University of Economics Rostov-on-Don, Russia.


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Abstract views: 46




How to Cite

Goloborodko, Y. S. (2023). Development of Administrative and Legal Methods for Regulating Sanitary and Epidemiological Relations: Legal Diagnostics (Regional Aspect) . NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(4), 735-744.



Public law (state-legal) sciences