Supranational guarantees of media freedom information: experience of post-soviet integrations


  • M.A. Tulnev Belgorod National Research University



contract, model law, assistance, restriction, journalist, freedom of the media, Convention


Freedom of the media, proclaimed not only at the state constitutional level, but also at the international level, naturally mediates supranational guarantees of the declared freedom. Moreover, the importance of its implementation in connection with information wars and fake news is justifiably interstate. In this regard, the author analyzes international legal acts of the post-Soviet space, to which the Russian Federation is a party, in order to identify the legalization of guarantees of freedom of the mass media. It is established that within the post-Soviet space, the guarantee of freedom of the mass media has developed in the Union state of Russia and Belarus, the Commonwealth of independent States, including model legislation; on the basis of bilateral agreements in the field of information or ensuring the status of journalists. It is concluded that, in addition to bilateral initiatives and model laws, the guarantee formats are fragmented and require a comprehensive «package» approach of integrations to the special legalization of mass media freedom, taking into account the variability of its sources and guarantees.


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Abstract views: 684




How to Cite

Tulnev, M. (2020). Supranational guarantees of media freedom information: experience of post-soviet integrations. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(2), 336-344.



Public law (state-legal) sciences