To the question of the content aspects of cyber crime


  • N.I. Dolzhenko Belgorod National Research University
  • I.G. Khmelevskaya Belgorod National Research University



cybercrime, cyberspace, computer crime, information technology


In the realities of modern society, it is almost impossible to imagine a full life without information technology. They have penetrated and are widely used in all spheres of human activity; however, in addition to the goals of optimizing various processes, recently information technologies often become a platform for committing crimes. The global computerization of society, mediated by the rapid development of technology, has led to the emergence of concepts such as “cybercrime” and “cybercrime”. The article discusses these concepts, the main component of which is cyberspace as a special area of activity in the information space. Despite the fact that every year the number of committed cybercrimes increases, both in international documents and in the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are still no generally accepted definitions of these concepts along with the lack of a unified approach to determining their substantive aspect. The authors analyze the views of modern scientists on the definition of the concepts of "computer crime", "cybercrime." It is noted that in the Russian legal doctrine the category “computer crime” is mainly used. In addition, there is no consensus on the list of cybercrimes. In this regard, there is a need for a detailed study of national legislation and international acts, including responsibility for committing cyber crimes.


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How to Cite

Dolzhenko, N., & Khmelevskaya, I. (2020). To the question of the content aspects of cyber crime. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(2), 315-322.



Public law (state-legal) sciences