The Role of Carriers of Knowledge About Canon Law in the Genesis of Public Legal Education in Russia




canon law, church law, the system of church law, spiritual education, Kiev Theological Academy, history of law


Legal science has undergone many changes and influences throughout the history of the formation of higher education in Russia. The scientific array of jurisprudence was created on the basis of the complex impact of historical, humanitarian, ethical knowledge. However, the fact of the influence of domestic experts in the field of canon law on the development of legal education in Russia has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this article is to identify the specifics of the impact of Eastern Christian ethics and the canonical law of the Russian Orthodox Church on the state of the domestic legal system. As a result of the study, lexical penetration was revealed, reflecting the professional linguistic unity in the genesis of both branches of legal education; the intersection of source arrays; mutual penetration of educational and methodological provisions of teaching; teaching by the teaching staff of ecclesiastical theological educational institutions in state imperial universities, lyceums and law schools (and vice versa).

Author Biography

Vladislav V. Bagan, Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary Smolensk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

Priest, candidate of theology, candidate of legal sciences, lecturer at the department of theological and church-historical disciplines, Smolensk Theological Seminary,
Smolensk, Russia


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How to Cite

Bagan, V. V. (2023). The Role of Carriers of Knowledge About Canon Law in the Genesis of Public Legal Education in Russia. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(2), 277-284.



Theoretical and historical legal sciences