Processes of Human Alienation in Sociogenesis


  • Vera N. Darenskaya Lugansk State Pedagogical University



alienation, history, sociality, existence, sociogenesis


One of the general "mechanisms" of sociogenesis, which are universal and operate throughout the historical process, are the processes of alienation of a person and his overcoming. The author proposes to consider alienation in the context of subject-subject relations and concerning the finite and infinite (phenomenal and transcendent) levels of being. As one of the key categories defining the dialectic of alienation and its immanent removal in the historical process, the meaning of life is assumed as an integral formation of individual and mass consciousness, which returns the integrity of human existence, overcoming its partial alienated forms. The study shows that in times of crisis, a special culture of alienation is needed, allowing not only to fight to the end, but also to learn compromise, to master the art of coexistence with those types of alienation that can have a positive effect, as well as with those that society cannot overcome at this stage of its development

Author Biography

Vera N. Darenskaya, Lugansk State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy of the Lugansk State Pedagogical University, Lugansk, Russia


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Abstract views: 49




How to Cite

Darenskaya, V. N. (2023). Processes of Human Alienation in Sociogenesis. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(1), 127-136.



Human. Culture. Society. Morality