Genesis of Legislative Regulation of the Institutional Basis for the Formation of a Responsible Attitude to Animals


  • Angelina A. Stus Belgorod National Research University



responsible attitude to animals, the state, civil society, medical institutions, categories of animals


For a long time, animals have been involved in relationships arising in domestic, service, professional, industrial and other spheres. Such diversity could not remain without the attention of the legislator and in 2020 the updated constitutional guideline updated scientific attention to the problems of responsible attitude to animals. In this regard, the article analyzes the normative legal acts that laid the institutional basis for such relations. Chronologically, the study covered the norms of the Soviet period of the development of the Russian state since 1918. As scientific results, the author has established the institutional Soviet basis for the formation of a responsible attitude to animals, represented by several directions: public government institutions that manage in various industries corresponding to the diversity of animal categories; civil society institutions of a similar orientation, as well as institutions of a mixed legal nature; special medical institutions and special institutions created according to various criteria.

Author Biography

Angelina A. Stus, Belgorod National Research University

Graduate Student of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 61




How to Cite

Stus, A. A. (2023). Genesis of Legislative Regulation of the Institutional Basis for the Formation of a Responsible Attitude to Animals. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(1), 107-113.



Public law (state-legal) sciences