Youth Parliamentarism: The Thorny Path of Gaining Legal Status
youth parliamentarism, youth parliaments, youth governments, youth election commissions, legal status, law, state, state youth policyAbstract
The article presents a substantiation of the authors’ position on the problem of legal regulation of youth parliamentarism as a form of representation of the rights and legitimate interests of youth, which is relevant in modern realities. It examines the key acts regulating the organization of youth parliamentarism in Russia, in particular, the Federal Law 489-FZ, dated 30 Dec. 2020, «On youth policy in the Russian Federation», as well as Recommendations for the development of youth parliamentarism in the Russian Federation, approved by a letter of instruction from the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 2, dated 24 Apr. 2003. The authors analyze the latest reforms in the field of state youth policy with an emphasis on the direct participation of representatives of the youth community in its implementation. Conclusions about a certain inconsistency of the existing regulatory legal framework in the field of organizing youth parliamentarism with the actual conditions and the need for its modernization are drawn.
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