Visual perception of art as the first step in the knowledge of the cultural and ideological basis of civilization
culture, civilization, art, religion, Orthodoxy, history, temple, icon, calendar, image, symbol, RussiaAbstract
The problems of careful attitude to the visual and artistic images of traditional culture, which are inseparable from the spiritual foundations of the formation of cultural and civilizational space, are actualized. It is shown how a person in the cultural and civilizational space connects with the surrounding objects of material culture not only by the principle of determining their utilitarian qualities, but also in a natural sense of harmony and beauty of the surrounding world, which expresses the spiritual ideals of culture. They are a factor in the expression and formation of the worldview foundations of a person belonging to it, which directly affect the provisions adopted for guidance in his life, his beliefs: social, political, religious, etc. This factor is historically inherent in the process of cultural identification of a person and is inherent in any civilization.
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