Analysis of the Development of Modern Information Culture
technical development, information culture, transformations, world outlook perspectives, information circulation, transence, hyperrealityAbstract
Modern information culture has gone a long way in its development: from the birth of the first technologies of primitive society to the cultural and pluralistic models prevailing in the modern world. The authors attempt to note and highlight the indisputable priority features, to explore the dominant concepts of the culture of the information society. The considered concepts allow us to state that information culture at all stages was the driving force of social development. The availability of modern information culture, which arises due to new technological conditions, is continuously increasing, however, against this background, various diffuse problems are increasingly emerging. The ever-increasing speed of information and the actual availability of information exchange and communication with any person of the world community, people, country, speaks about the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the transmitted information, about the fundamental nature of the phenomenon of modern information culture.
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