Individual Dignity and Human Rights as Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values
traditional Russian values, Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox thought, secular legal thought, Russian doctrine of human rightsAbstract
In connection with the signing by the President of the Russian Federation of the Decree "On the Approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values" in legal science, the role of research on such concepts as individual dignity and human rights has increased. Despite the available scientific publications on this issue, there are practically no studies that consider the dignity of the individual and human rights as traditional Russian values, which are spiritual and moral. The purpose of this study is to show in historical, legal, spiritual and cultural retrospective the role of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), one of the significant and stable institutions of Russian civil society, in the knowledge by society and the state of the dignity of the individual and human rights with traditional spiritual and moral values. The author's appeal to the works of representatives of domestic secular legal thought of the XIX – first half of the XX century. proves the significance and influence of the Orthodox religious and legal concept of the dignity of the person and human rights on the development of the secular and post-secular Russian legal space. The analysis of the fundamental modern documents of the Russian Orthodox Church in the social sphere made it possible to identify the co-operation of the Russian Orthodox Church, society and the state in finding an understanding of the spiritual and moral value, inalienability and all-commonality of the dignity of the person and human rights. In general, relying on methodological traditions in the field of the history of political and legal teachings, the history of the state and law, including logical-structural, historical-philosophical, axiological and textual analysis, managed to analyze the special figure of ideas about the dignity of the individual and human rights in domestic legal-glorious and secular legal thought, and the use of a civilizational campaign to the right of the post-will to establish the main trends and directions of further development of the studied concepts as vector in the formation of the Russian legal doctrine of the dignity of the person and human rights.
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