The Legal Concept of the Family in the Normative Regulation of the Social Security of Military Personnel in the 1920-1940s Olga
family, military personnel, the Great Patriotic War, marriage, actual marriage, social securityAbstract
The legal formulation of the concept of "family" has traditionally been difficult for domestic family law. In the USSR, since the 1920s, the legal concept of the family has been transformed in parallel with the development of social, economic and social relations within the framework of both family legal doctrine and military law. At the same time, in the context of social security of military personnel, the concept of "family" has not been developed. Due to the insufficient study of this issue, the authors set a goal to substantiate the approach of the Soviet legislator to the issue of legal regulation of family relations. The study showed that in 1927-1944, equating the actual marital relations of servicemen with registered marriages was due to the need to regulate the social security of military families. At the same time, the prevailing social and labor character of the definition of the family in the 1920s came into conflict with the content of the normative acts underlying the social security and benefits of military personnel, with the interests of the budget, as well as with the official ideology and moral norms of Soviet society. It is concluded that, despite the absence of a legal definition of "family" and the existence of uncertainty of its status, the social security of military personnel in the period under review was in the field of legal regulation of the legislator.
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