Traditional Family Values and Surrogacy: Unresolvable Problems of Coexistence




surrogacy, traditional family values, motherhood, fatherhood, upbringing


The article deals with problematic issues to correlate moral and ethical norms that “hold together” traditional family values for our country and some legal norms regulating family relations; issues of the permissibility of third parties’ interference (through the introduction of new reproductive technologies) in such, in fact, sacred sphere of human relations as the mystery of the birth of a new person. The purpose of the study is to justify the need for a ban on the use of surrogacy in the Russian Federation. Conclusion: consolidation in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the provision that Russia preserves the memory of ancestors and honors moral ideals and adoption of a new National Security Strategy requires a revision of the current legislation regarding the use of surrogate motherhood technologies and a phased ban on surrogate motherhood as not only contradicting moral and moral values intrinsically inherent in our people, but also amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the adopted National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation.

Author Biographies

Svetlana N. Belova, Vologda Insitute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal System of Russia

Ph.D. in Law, head of the Research Department of the Vologda Insitute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal System of Russia,
Vologda, Russia.

Yryi N. Strogovich, Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

senior Researcher of the Research Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, State Counselor of Justice of the 3rd class,
Moscow, Russia.

Oleg A. Aristarhov, LLC “Strunino Medical Center”

chief Physician LLC “Strunino Medical Center”
Strunino, Russia.


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Abstract views: 81




How to Cite

Belova, S. N., Strogovich, Y. N., & Aristarhov, O. A. (2022). Traditional Family Values and Surrogacy: Unresolvable Problems of Coexistence. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(4), 747-755.



Public law (state-legal) sciences

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