Russian Civilization: Encoding and Decoding Processes




code, cultural code, civilizational code, friend and foe, Russia, coding and decoding


The article is devoted to the analysis of the processes of encoding and decoding of civilization. Encoding and decoding covers all stages of creating and developing the code of individual world views, as well as ethnic, national and religious cultures. The purpose of the study is to analyze the mechanisms of encoding and decoding of the Russian civilization. The need for research lies in the insufficient theoretical validity of the mechanisms for encoding and decoding civilization, the influence of other cultures and civilizations alien to Russia on these processes. Currently, Russia is in an acute phase of confrontation with the Euro-Atlantic civilization as an integral political and military organism, which is trying to solve its security problems at the expense of Russia, China and other countries. Under the conditions of these prolonged clashes, Russian civilization has shown its vitality, stability, power and strength. In order to weaken Russian culture and the cultures of the peoples of Russia, representatives of the Euro-Atlantic civilization are trying to decode Russia as a state and civilization to restrain its political, economic and cultural development. Anglo-Saxon decoding is the process of substituting true values ​​for false ones, changing the semantic content of the cultures of the peoples of Russia, introducing European elements into the Russian cultural and civilizational codes. Therefore, an incredible amount of false, fake, perverted information about the culture of the peoples of Russia, primarily about the Russian people, about the political leadership, about the state, its history, enters the media and cultural space of Russia with the help of decoders. The work contributes to the development of the theory of coding and decoding of the Russian civilization in the context of a global clash of civilizations.


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Author Biography

Evgeny P. Kargapolov, Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy,
Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia.


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Abstract views: 164




How to Cite

Kargapolov, E. P. (2022). Russian Civilization: Encoding and Decoding Processes. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(4), 725-735.



Human. Culture. Society