Artificial Intelligence as a Philosophical Problem and Artificial Intellectual Systems


  • Alexander I. Shvyrkov Bryansk State Technical University



artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence problem, artificial intelligence systems


The paper analyzes terminology associated with the problem of artificial intelligence, various ways of its interpretation, place and relation to each other of the key concepts of the field. It is stated that the focus of research over the last 30 years has shifted significantly: if earlier most researchers saw the essence of the problem in whether an artificial analogue of the human intellect can be created then now it has actually become a conglomerate of a wide range of problems connected, for example, with psyche and thinking modeling, pattern recognition, robotics, automatic proof of theorems, etc. Nevertheless, such a transformation does not mean that the idea of artificial intelligence as a holistic phenomenon has no real sense and that we should abandon attempts to solve the problem of the possibility of such an artificial intelligence. However, in order to make our efforts more fruitful, we should radically reconsider the status of the problem. Until now, it has been classified as “complex”, “interdisciplinary”, etc. However, according to the author of the paper, it will be much more fruitful to consider it as having a fundamentally philosophical character, that is, as a purely philosophical problem. Also an attempt to justify the idea that artificial intellectual systems can – and even should – be regarded as a phenomenon rather independent of the idea of artificial intelligence has been made. Accordingly, they can be analyzed without permanent referring to the idea of artificial intelligence.

Author Biography

Alexander I. Shvyrkov, Bryansk State Technical University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Social Studies, Bryansk State Technical University,
Bryansk, Russia.


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How to Cite

Shvyrkov, A. I. (2022). Artificial Intelligence as a Philosophical Problem and Artificial Intellectual Systems. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(4), 670-681.



Logic, methodology and philosophy of science