Epistemological Problems of Ludwig Binswanger's Dasein Analysis. Introduction to the Translation of E. Basso


  • Olga А. Tsvetkova RAS Institute of Philosophy




Ludwig Binswanger, history of psychiatry, phenomenological psychiatry, Dasein-analysis, epistemology, schizophrenia, Elizabetta Basso


The historical and epistemological context of psychiatry at the beginning of the 20th century plays an important role in understanding of the philosophical and anthropological ideas of Ludwig Binswanger. Due to its insufficient coverage in Russian-language sources, it would be important to present a translation of the article by Elisabetta Basso, Ph.D., which reflects the modern point of view on the history of psychiatry and philosophical anthropology of the early twentieth century and on the ideas of the Swiss philosopher and psychiatrist Ludwig Binswanger. Elizabeth Basso's views expand the understanding of the main provisions and goals of Ludwig Binswanger's Dasein-analysis. The study also raised the problems of research of schizophrenia and other psychopathologies. At the same time, Basso presents valuable historical and bibliographic material relating to the phenomenological movement in psychiatry in the early twentieth century.


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Author Biography

Olga А. Tsvetkova , RAS Institute of Philosophy

RAS Istitute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia.


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How to Cite

Tsvetkova O. А. (2022). Epistemological Problems of Ludwig Binswanger’s Dasein Analysis. Introduction to the Translation of E. Basso. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(4), 642-646. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2022-47-4-642-646



Logic, methodology and philosophy of science