The formation of a positive ethnic identity in a mono-ethnic region


  • I.V. Antsiferova Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service
  • N.G. Antsiferova Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service



ethnos, national culture, ethnic tolerance, ethnic identity, mono-ethnic region, inter-ethnic interaction, tolerance, social identification, ethnic processes, migration


On the basis of sociological research there was analyzed the level of ethnic tolerance and the type of ethnic identification in the mono-ethnic region. The authors revealed the essence of the concept «ethnic tolerance» and «ethnic identification». After analyzing the types of ethnic identification, the authors concluded that positive ethnic identification affects ethnic tolerance and negative identification provokes intolerance. Also there is given a classification of regions by their ethnicity. The authors convincingly prove that the mono-ethnic regions are experiencing problems in inter-ethnic interaction in modern conditions. Based on the findings, the authors developed measures for the formation of a positive ethnic identity. These measures describe the possibilities of a wide range of actors of inter-ethnic interaction in this process. The role of national associations in broadcasting their culture in a non-ethnic environment and the role of this process in the formation of a positive ethnic identity of the host community is emphasized. Recommendations are also given for the authorities and civil society involved in this process. The article is of interest to a wide range of researchers.


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How to Cite

Antsiferova, I., & Antsiferova, N. (2020). The formation of a positive ethnic identity in a mono-ethnic region. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(2), 237-246.



Sociology and social technologies