Language Nationalism as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon


  • Alexander K. Degtyarev M.I. Platov South Russian State Polytechnic University (SPI)



linguistic nationalism, ethnic nationalism, social claims, social action groups, cultural and linguistic policy, socio-cultural phenomenon, late modernity


linguistic nationalism is a sociocultural phenomenon of modern society that has not been studied in scientific discourse, since it cannot be "decoded" at the level of fruitful, but specialized sociolinguistic works that do not pretend to socio-philosophical understanding. Within the framework of the presented article, based on the definition of linguistic nationalism as a "branch" of the development of nationalism in the era of late modernity, a very important provision is substantiated about the transition from ethnic nationalism to linguistic nationalism based on the action from "socio" to culture, in contrast to ethno-nationalism, which makes language the "substance" of an ethno-national state. It is concluded that linguistic nationalism is not a "harmless version" of nationalism, since at the level of socially marginal groups it becomes an instrument for obtaining social preferences through the national language and can be a source of tension in interethnic relations, especially in the conditions of the formation of multinational and multicultural states.

Author Biography

Alexander K. Degtyarev, M.I. Platov South Russian State Polytechnic University (SPI)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor, Department of Jurisprudence, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia


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Abstract views: 158




How to Cite

Degtyarev, A. K. (2022). Language Nationalism as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(2), 219-229.



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