Social Technologies of Self-development of First-year Students in the Period of Adaptation to a New Social Environment


  • Yuri V. Shmarion Tyan-Shan Lipetsk State Pedagogical University
  • Anton P. Volkov S.S. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky Lipetsk State Pedagogical University



self-development of students, social management, social technologies of self-development


Being in the dynamic process of transition from one educational environment (school) to another (university), students, for objective reasons, cannot identify the parameters and factors that determine the key characteristics of optimal self-development. In this situation, a positive solution to the student's self-development conditions should be provided by the author's innovative social technologies created on a scientific basis, developed by the student himself, and he himself is the executor of this technology. In this regard, this paper presents the results of a study of the social portrait of first-year students during the adaptation period, which served as the basis for the development of social technologies for students' self-development. In collecting empirical data, the method of questionnaire survey, work with documents, and interviewing were used. The authors have developed a two-circuit system of social management of the students' self-development process and a social technology that implements the management cycle of the student's self-development process. A cyclic algorithm is proposed that implements the management cycle with a set of enlarged socio-technological procedures.


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Author Biographies

Yuri V. Shmarion, Tyan-Shan Lipetsk State Pedagogical University

Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Semenov-Tyan-Shan Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, Lipetsk, Russia.

Anton P. Volkov, S.S. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky Lipetsk State Pedagogical University

Master's student, Semenov-Tyan-Shan Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, Lipetsk, Russia.


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Abstract views: 184




How to Cite

Shmarion, Y. V., & Volkov, A. P. (2022). Social Technologies of Self-development of First-year Students in the Period of Adaptation to a New Social Environment. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(2), 199-209.



Sociology and social technologies