Optimization of Sociological Research in the Regions (On the Example of the Tver Region)


  • Alexandra V. Vaisburg Tver State Technical University




sociological research, research in the regions, market, sociologist, customer, region, Internet research, pandemic, COVID-19


The pandemic period significantly affected all spheres of human activity and significantly restructured the market of sociological research, changed the principles, methodology and methods of research. Due to the spontaneity of this transition, the innovative aspects of sociologists' activities to optimize research in the regions during this period of time have remained poorly studied. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main ways to optimize the implementation of applied research for regional research agencies. This analysis is based on the generalization of the experience of research agencies, the classification of expert opinions, as well as the practical experience of the author, observations within the Tver region. As a result of the study, the possibilities of changes in the volume, structure and geography of the sample population and the use of UX studies were revealed. The problems and prospects of using new research methods are identified: online interviews and focus groups, Big Data, mobile surveys, interviewer bots, Agile UX, design thinking. The possibilities of using various resources of the customer, reducing the time of research, overcoming various force majeure circumstances are described. The possibilities of solving the problem of team selection by organizing remote work from different regions of Russia are described. The obtained research results allow us to adjust the work of the sociological industry, using the proposed ways to optimize research in accordance with the requirements of the new reality. The results of the study open up a new theoretical direction in the study of the problems of conducting sociological research during the pandemic.

Author Biography

Alexandra V. Vaisburg, Tver State Technical University

PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Technologies of the Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia.


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How to Cite

Vaisburg, A. V. (2022). Optimization of Sociological Research in the Regions (On the Example of the Tver Region). NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(2), 190-198. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2022-47-2-190-198



Sociology and social technologies