On the Problem of Defining the Concept of Legality of the Public Administration Activities in Russia


  • Dmitryy M. Polonskyy Belgorod National Research University




legality, principle, method, legal regime, public administration, the subject of public administration


In order to formulate a scientific problem, the author's position on the nature and content of the concept of "legality in the activities of public administration" is presented. The need for a comprehensive study of such a multifaceted phenomenon as legality is shown, as well as for rethinking certain theoretical and practical issues of legality in the activities of public administration entities. The features of the definition of various approaches to the definition of legality as the principle of the method and the specific legal regime in public administration are revealed. It is noted that in modern legal science, questions regarding the concept of public administration and the circle of subjects included in its system are debatable. Based on the consideration of scientific approaches to the definition of the content of the concepts of "regime of legality", "subject of public administration", the author's definition of the concept of "regime of legality in the activities of the subject of public administration" is introduced into scientific circulation, the main features of such a regime are revealed.


Author Biography

Dmitryy M. Polonskyy, Belgorod National Research University

Docent of the Department of Administrative Law and Process at the Institute of Law, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 117




How to Cite

Polonskyy, D. M. (2022). On the Problem of Defining the Concept of Legality of the Public Administration Activities in Russia. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(1), 110-116. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2022-47-1-110-116



Public law (state-legal) sciences