Human Living: The Biography – As a Minimum, As a Maximum – a Holy Life


  • Alexander V. Losev



biography, a holy life, fate of life, drama of life, real subject


The article considers the biography and a holy life as ways of human existence and means to describe human life. In terms of existence the biography and a holy life always have a personal character of being and bear the energy of the person. In terms of description the biography and a holy life assume a semantic grasp of life as a whole, a visibility of the life based on the present moment. The biography is characterised by a minimal eventfulness. For a biography to take place, it is enough to be born and die. The biography happens to a person by necessity, and represents an objectified plan of existence, a segment of life on the earth surface. A holy life is a maximal person's presence in their life and their self’s relation to the transcendent, which clearly and actively manifests itself in experience and consciousness. A holy life is dedicated to service, as a complete fulfilment of one’s vocation. A holy life begins with conception and does not end with death. The very transition from non-existence to being is an event of life. Man has not yet been born, and his story has already begun. The view of a holy life extends beyond the limits of the earthly life on the surface. Hermeneutical interpretations of biography define self-realization as a dominant motive. A specific person with their life history is subjected to unification and is considered as a form which is aimed at implementing their principles and values. Psychoanalytic interpretations represent the pathography of an individual, not the history of life, excluding the historical and social context from the description. The drama of a person's life is determined by a personal story that develops into a destiny. The biography and a holy life set the scale of fate starting with the minimum of the human and ending with the maximum of the divine human.

Author Biography

Alexander V. Losev

PhD, independent researcher, Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 76




How to Cite

Losev, A. V. (2022). Human Living: The Biography – As a Minimum, As a Maximum – a Holy Life. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(1), 42-46.



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