
  • K.I. Cherkesova Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture
  • S.M. Sharabarin Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture




culture, knowledge, information, modernity, memory, technology


The development of information storage technologies, at most, is currently associated with complex pro-cesses of unification and specialization of knowledge. This situation is determined by the use of program code. One of the main causes of the crisis of modern mechanisms for maintaining knowledge is the un-limited amount of information stored on a digital medium. Another equally important reason is the in-creasing output of information from a person’s memory to machine memory, which also enables a person to create his own mechanism for preserving knowledge. The reverse side of this process lies in the dy-namic development of mechanisms of unconsciousness.


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Abstract views: 616




How to Cite

Cherkesova, K., & Sharabarin, S. (2020). "PERFECT" LIBRARY. ABOUT KEEPING KNOWLEDGE TODAY. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(1), 183-188. https://doi.org/10.18413/2712-746X-2020-45-1-183-188




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