Legal Urbanology: Interdisciplinary Direction of the Legal Science


  • Vladimir V. Tabolin State University of Management



city, legal science, legal urbanology, interdisciplinary method


The article discusses the theoretical foundations of legal urbanology as a new interdisciplinary direction in legal science, which allows from the standpoint of law to combine the already accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge about cities and urbanization processes in various sciences, to determine their interconnectedness and consistency, as well as the discovery of new areas theoretical and applied legal research of the city. The concept is given and the subject, object and system of legal urbanology are defined, the methodological base of legal urbanology is proposed. The scientific and theoretical significance of legal urbanology in the formation of a complex urbanological theory for a more complete and organic understanding of the role and place of the city in the life of people, society and state, national and world processes of urbanization and the development of modern civilization has been substantiated.


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Author Biography

Vladimir V. Tabolin, State University of Management

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Law and Legal Management of the State University of Management,
Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Tabolin, V. V. (2021). Legal Urbanology: Interdisciplinary Direction of the Legal Science. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(4), 752-756.



Public law (state-legal) sciences