Sport Genesis: Review of the Main Theories


  • Vitaly I. Lukashchuk Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies



sport, sport as a social phenomenon, sociology of sport, sport genesis, transformation of sport, sport practices, sport industry


The main theories of sport development as a social phenomenon are considered. Today, sport is under the influence of globalization processes, which have repeatedly strengthened the role and importance of sport as a global phenomenon. It is shown that the modern forms of sport existence are related to the evolution of socio-economic relations that develop at a certain stage of the historical progress of society. The emergence of new forms of sport practices in the social environment is due to the formation of specific socially significant needs. The author analyzes various directions of sport evolution: socio-economic, religious, gaming, cultural, educational, and technological. It is noted that a significant place in the analysis of the social aspect of sport development of is occupied by works that consider the determinants of its formation and functioning as a spectacle. It is shown that in modern conditions, spectator sport becomes a form of professionally organized interaction, acquiring the features of art as a specific form of public opinion. At the same time, its social status and social functions change. According to the laws of show business, modern sport is trying to maximize its potential audience, diversify its structure, finding more and more new types of competitions. The article notes that in the context of globalization, the values of traditional sports are being transformed, which leads to changes not only in all its components, but also in the moral and spiritual life of not only athletes, but also, to a greater extent, spectators.


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Author Biography

Vitaly I. Lukashchuk, Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Department of Public and Corporate Governance, Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies,
Krasnodar, Russia


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How to Cite

Lukashchuk, V. I. (2021). Sport Genesis: Review of the Main Theories. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(4), 652-661.



Sociology and social technologies