The Question of Wearing Religious Vestments in a State Educational Organization


  • Igor V. Ponkin Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration



cassock, laicality of the state, laicality of education in state educational organizations, religious vestments, culture, education, theology


The article is devoted to the assessment of the legal admissibility and the possibility of wearing a cassock (vestment with signs of a religious one) by a religious minister of the Russian Orthodox Church (and at the same time a secular scientist and teacher) in a state educational organization, in which he holds a position under an employment contract or performs duties under a civil law contract, during office hours. The reason for the appearance of this article was a number of conflicts that occurred in this regard in Russian universities. The article touches upon problematic issues intersecting with the theme of wearing elements of Muslim religious clothing in France, Germany, Russia and other countries. The article touches upon the issues of the content and ontology of the secular state of the state, in the author's concept.

Author Biography

Igor V. Ponkin, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Professor, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.


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Abstract views: 79




How to Cite

Ponkin, I. V. (2021). The Question of Wearing Religious Vestments in a State Educational Organization. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(3), 569–575.–575



Public law (state-legal) sciences