Formalization of Judicial Control: Foreign Constitutional Experience


  • Andrey P. Peterburgsky Belgorod National Research University



судебный конституционный контроль, конституция, высшая судебная инстанция, стандартный судебный контроль, специальный судебный контроль, гибридный судебный контроль


Judicial control is one of the ways to ensure legality and discipline in the activities of public authorities. In jurisprudence, the aspect of judicial control over the activities of the executive power within the framework of the branch of administrative law is most studied. At the same time, the basic foundations of the regulation of judicial control are contained in the constitution, which allows it to be attributed to the institutions of constitutional law, giving an appropriate characteristic. Filling the regulatory-comparative gap, the author carried out a comparative legal analysis of the texts of the constitutions of foreign countries (Western Europe and Latin America) in order to identify the basics of regulating judicial control in them. As the results of the analysis, the standard (carried out by the highest judicial authorities in relation to the constitutionality of acts and activities of the judicial system), special (implemented by a special court within a certain sphere) and hybrid (combines the features of the standard and special varieties) models of the foundations of constitutional regulation of judicial control in the declared groups of countries are presented.

Author Biography

Andrey P. Peterburgsky, Belgorod National Research University

Post-graduate Student of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Law Institute of the Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 130




How to Cite

Peterburgsky, A. P. (2021). Formalization of Judicial Control: Foreign Constitutional Experience. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(3), 561–568.–568



Public law (state-legal) sciences