Vectors of Saving Human Capital in the System of Modern Legal Transformations


  • Ludmila V. Butko North-Caucasian branch of the of the Russian State University of Justice
  • Olga V. Lepeshkina Kuban State University



saving of human capital, priority, worldview, morality, ideological vector, con-stitution, legal regulation, legal awareness


The article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of one of the key vectors of saving human capital-the sphere of worldview, ideology, morality through the prism of the correlation of

consciousness, legal consciousness and law. The author analyzes legal, historical, philosophical and other sources in the context of the constitutional changes of 2020 in order to substantiate the priority of the studied sphere as an ideological vector of saving human capital using a complex of general scientific, interdisciplinary and private scientific methods. In the course of the analysis, the sequence of judgments on the actualization of the issues of saving human capital in the modern world is considered, the justification of the priority of the sphere of legal regulation for the successful saving of human capital is given, the role of consciousness and legal consciousness in the formation of the ideological foundations of the life of the human community is determined. As a result of the research, conclusions are drawn about the contradictions of legal consciousness and law, options for their resolution are proposed; the role and significance of the multidimensional legal consciousness in the mechanisms of saving human capital are presented; the expediency of a definitive and methodological update of the conceptual provisions of the doctrine on the legal regulation of public relations in the field of saving human capital is justified from a philosophical point of view.

Author Biographies

Ludmila V. Butko, North-Caucasian branch of the of the Russian State University of Justice

Doctor of Law, Professor, Pro-fessor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law of the NCF FGBOU VO "RSUP", Krasnodar, Russia.

Olga V. Lepeshkina, Kuban State University

Associate Professor, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia.


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Abstract views: 131




How to Cite

Butko, L. V., & Lepeshkina, O. V. (2021). Vectors of Saving Human Capital in the System of Modern Legal Transformations. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(3), 524-532.



Public law (state-legal) sciences