
  • A.S. Alehnovich Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences



reflexion, transgression, project, existence, human, consciousness, subject, possible, impossible


In the 21 century anthropological reflection faces the problem of an ontological gap between the transformation
of modern man and the possibilities of his self-knowledge to correlate the power of technological
gnosis with the conditions of his existence and the projections of consciousness. The article presents
an existential-phenomenological analysis of the limits of anthropological design from the perspective of
the possible and impossible. The author offers the concepts of anthropological shape and anthropological
content, which form a projective circle: the understanding of one’s being as a human being is inseparable
from being itself. The existential structures of this circle are reflexivity, historicity, transcendence and
transgression. Projectivity becomes a condition of human self-understanding. The human projectivity is a
complex phenomenon that is revealed on the existential and reflexive levels of human existence. The first
level creates the basis of human subjectivity, the second creates an opportunity for project activities. It is
concluded that under the conditions of radical anthropological transformations, the existential way of the
being-historical structure remains a renewable project of human self-understanding.


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How to Cite

Alehnovich, A. (2020). HUMAN PROJECTION: THE LIMITS OF POSSIBLE AND IMPOSSIBLE. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(1), 148-157.


