Personality as a Problem of Psychology
personality, psychology, method, dialectics, logics, Start, «Pure form», subjectivity, mental function, form, Liberty, true, IAbstract
The concept of personality in the dialectical methodology is expanded in the article. It shows the beginning and completion of personality development in conjunction with its individual and cultural-historical being. The convergence of two lines of development is justified: the «line» of social relations developing in subject-transformative historical practice, and the «line» of the development of a mental image in ontogenesis. The semantic side of the psyche is initially explained by the problematic nature of the life of the infant, which takes place in objective cultural and historical circumstances. The point of origin of the initial elementary mental image and the objective problem of the initial forms of phylogenesis logically close together and in historical development lead to the development of personality. This is the subject field of psychology. The place of ideally universal forms in the analysis of mental phenomena is grounded. "Pure forms" are a measure of the development of personal being, the attributive definitions of which are subjectivity and free creative universality. The article continues the author’s study of the personality problem in E.V. Ilyenkov and L. S. Vygotsky.
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