People's power resources in the development of justice: domestic experience


  • Nina V. Stus Russian State University of Justice, North-Caucasian Branch



people's assessors, arbitration assessors, public defender, jury trial


Article 32 of the Russian Constitution provides for the right of citizens to participate in the administration of justice. Currently, the Russian justice system implements two forms of such participation – trial by jury and arbitration assessors. The jurisdiction of cases to the jury is significantly reduced. A negligible number of cases involving arbitration assessors are considered. In this regard, the article examines the possibility of using other models of people's participation in the administration of justice: the introduction of the court of people's (judicial) assessors; the expansion of the possibility of considering cases with the participation of arbitration assessors; the revival of the institution of public defenders and public prosecutors; the reform of the jury court. The article presents the results of the analysis of doctrinal and legal sources, taking into account the ongoing judicial reform. It is reasonable that in the future, the people's power resource will be fully involved in the administration of justice, and the changes will be of an essential nature, aimed at further constitutionalization of the judiciary as a sphere of state activity.

Author Biography

Nina V. Stus, Russian State University of Justice, North-Caucasian Branch

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of General Theoretical Legal Disciplines


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Abstract views: 351




How to Cite

Stus, N. V. (2021). People’s power resources in the development of justice: domestic experience. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(2), 376-384.



Public law (state-legal) sciences