Legal axiology of Russian Conservatism of the XIX century: the potential of influence on modern legal ideology


  • Angelina Yu. Kuzubova Voronezh State Pedagogical University



legal values, Russian conservatism, legal ideology, legal consciousness, political and legal doctrine


The authors turned to the study of the legal nature of modern legal ideology in the context of its compliance with the traditional legal values of Russian culture. Despite its importance, the potential influence of the legal values of Russian conservatism on modern legal ideology remains poorly understood. Analyzing the correlation of the categories "legal ideology" and "positive law", the authors note the variety of their combinations: in the history of law, the facts of the confrontation of legal ideologies and systems of positive law prevail. It is emphasized that the conflict of values, the value vacuum can lead to much more destructive consequences than the adoption of an official legal ideology, the prospects for the proclamation of which give rise to numerous disputes. As a result of the conducted research, it is concluded that the institutional complementarity of the system of positive law and legal ideology embodying traditional legal values is necessary.


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Author Biography

Angelina Yu. Kuzubova, Voronezh State Pedagogical University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Economics and Social and Humanitarian


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Abstract views: 398




How to Cite

Kuzubova, A. Y. (2021). Legal axiology of Russian Conservatism of the XIX century: the potential of influence on modern legal ideology. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(2), 343-352.



Public law (state-legal) sciences