Principles of the national interest mechanism: system and features


  • Bela B. Bidova Chechen State University
  • Valery P. Belyaev Southwestern State University



beginning, grounds, rule, principles, legal framework, system, mechanism, national interests


The authors base the formation and characterization of the principles of the mechanism for implementing national interests on the principles of law, legal principles, principles of the mechanism of the state and its apparatus, as well as official documents and judicial practice. The system of principles of the mechanism for the realization of national interests includes general legal (including constitutional) and special (intersectoral, sectoral and institutional) principles; all of them are characterized. The constitutional principles of the mechanism for the realization of national interests are: priority of human and civil rights and freedoms; popular power; federalism; separation of powers; legality. The principles of systematic and complex application by federal authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, local self-government bodies of political, organizational, socio-economic, information, legal and other security measures are special.

Author Biographies

Bela B. Bidova, Chechen State University

PhD in Law, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology

Valery P. Belyaev, Southwestern State University

Professor, Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of State Theory and History and Law


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Abstract views: 582




How to Cite

Bidova, B. B., & Belyaev, V. P. (2021). Principles of the national interest mechanism: system and features. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(2), 327-335.



Public law (state-legal) sciences