Regional labor market: challenges, problems, personnel policy


  • Alexander G. Tyurikov Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



regional labor market, monitoring, key challenges, employers, personnel policy


This article examines the global contradictions and problems that determine the development of the labor market and future professions. The article presents methodological approaches and legislative framework that open up new opportunities for organizing monitoring of the labor market in modern conditions. According to the results of the expert survey, the global challenges facing the regional labor markets are identified. The article describes the problems in the main spheres of life in the regions: political, social and economic, which include the low level of well-being of the population, low efficiency of officials, lack of highly qualified personnel, unemployment, underdevelopment of small and medium-sized businesses, low quality of medical services. As every second expert notes, the most acute problems facing regional employers are three interrelated problems: high" turnover " of personnel, lack of professional competencies of employees and a shortage of highly qualified personnel. The greatest demand in the material sphere of the regional economy is now used by specialists in the field of information technology (demand index – 0.61), in second place – "construction" (0.5676) and then cargo transportation and warehouse logistics (0.45). Among the educational organizations in the regions, regional universities are the most effective in solving personnel policy, according to experts (the efficiency index is 0.65). Experts agreed that the most effective job search channel in the region is word of mouth (0.60), while online job search services (0.5960) and online bulletin boards (0.55) are almost as effective.


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Author Biography

Alexander G. Tyurikov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications


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Abstract views: 417




How to Cite

Tyurikov, A. G. (2021). Regional labor market: challenges, problems, personnel policy. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(2), 286-297.



Sociology and social technologies