On the issue of constitutional and legal improvement of public power
public power system, efficiency of the constitutional amendments, the judicial system, the independence of the courtAbstract
The article considers the provisions of the Russian constitutional amendments, their significance in the modern realities of state development and the original social organization of the Russian civilization in the world space. Attention is paid to the interpretative content of the concepts of "public power" and "system of public power" in the context of the foundations of their constitutional consolidation. The authors analyze the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation aimed at improving the system of separation of powers, checks and balances in the organization of public power, including the judiciary. A resolute conclusion is made about the development of constitutional norms in legislative acts through the prism of the stabilizing legal security of the system of public power, the legitimate interests of the subjects of constitutional legal relations, the best legal guarantee of the recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms.
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