The problem of rationalizing public consciousness in contamporery Russia


  • Alexey V. Oposhnyansky Krasnodar highest military aviation college of pilots of a name of the Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov
  • Tatiana Yu. Danilchenko Krasnodar state Institute of culture


society, social relations, rationalization, rationality, cultural capital, knowledge society


The article considers the problem of rationality in modern Russian society. It is noted that in Russia as a post-Soviet-type society there is a significant specific weight of irrational (obedient, superstitive, mystical, illusory) consciousness. This hinders the rational development of the country on a scientific basis, in particular on the basis of the scientific and technological revolution. The authors believe that the rationalization of society as a whole should begin with science and education. This will contribute to the transition of the society from the dominance of irrational consciousness and social relations in Russia to a rationally established society in all its spheres. The authors propose a solution to this problem. Humanitarian science is the leading link in this transformation. The article provides an outline of the new system of training and certification of young scientists (master 's degree, postgraduate studies). For this purpose, it is proposed to use an information and analytical system similar to the integrated information analytical system of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The use of the principles of critical rationality allows to overcome irrational discourse and increase the degree of rationality of both scientific consciousness and social consciousness in general. This will increase the cultural capital of the society as a whole.


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Author Biographies

Alexey V. Oposhnyansky, Krasnodar highest military aviation college of pilots of a name of the Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of Humanities and Socio- Economic Disciplines at the A.K. Serov Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots,
Krasnodar, Russia

Tatiana Yu. Danilchenko, Krasnodar state Institute of culture

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Krasnodar State Institute of Culture,
Krasnodar, Russia


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How to Cite

Oposhnyansky, A. V., & Danilchenko, T. Y. (2021). The problem of rationalizing public consciousness in contamporery Russia. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(1), 89-98. Retrieved from



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